Showing 1 - 11 of 11 Results
Leopold II , Franz II und Catharin : Ihre Correspondenz, Nebst Einer Einleitung by Leopold Ii (Holy Roman Empe... ISBN: 9781248852828 List Price: $27.75
Leopold Ii. , Franz Ii. und Catharina : Ihre Correspondenz, Nebst Einer Einleitung by Leopold Ii (Holy Roman Empe... ISBN: 9781294489290 List Price: $27.75
Austrian Declaration Against France, Aug; 1813: Manifesto of His Majesty the Emperor of Aust... by Francis I Emperor of Austria ISBN: 9781333222000 List Price: $7.97
Kaiser Franz Und Metternich [by J. Hormayr] by Joseph Hormayr (Freiherr Vo... ISBN: 9781343137578 List Price: $23.95
Austrian Declaration Against France, Aug; 1813 : Manifesto of His Majesty the Emperor of Aus... by Austria, Francis I. Emperor of ISBN: 9780666812537 List Price: $24.31
Leopold II. , Franz II. und Catharina : Ihre Correspondenz, Nebst Einer Einleitung: Zur Gesc... by Leopold II (Holy Roman Empe... ISBN: 9780341626862 List Price: $25.95
Leopold II. , Franz II. und Catharina : Ihre Correspondenz, Nebst Einer Einleitung: Zur Gesc... by Leopold II (Holy Roman Empe... ISBN: 9780341626855 List Price: $15.95
Kaiser Franz Und Metternich [by J. Hormayr] by Joseph Hormayr (freiherr Vo... ISBN: 9781022281585
Kaiser Franz Und Metternich [by J. Hormayr] by Joseph Hormayr (freiherr Vo... ISBN: 9781020566448